AGLOCAM Logística - AGLOCAM Logística

AGLOCAM Logística

We decided to obtain Marca País certification in order to get a higher outreach of our potential clients thanks to the connections that Procomer has internationally; and at the same time with the objective of establishing a more efficient internal organization in our company, which will give us better tools to manage the enterprise and new ideas to project ourselves to our clients, partners, and collaborators.Stefanny Castro Ramírez – CEO – Fundadora y Gerente General

Stefanny Castro Ramírez

We represent



Social Progress


Costa Rican Rooting

Know Us

Logistics company focused on the design and execution of educational and community outreach programs for teachers and students of foreign universities. We assist institutions and individuals from all over the world to achieve their goals for professional growth by providing personalized, affordable, and sustainable opportunities in Costa Rica.
