Blue Zones Nicoya - Blue Zones Nicoya

Blue Zones Nicoya

We decided to be Escential Costa Rica because we are proud to rescuing the values and products of Costa Rica and offering them, not only in our country but beyond our borders. Marcela Rosas-Marketing and Product Development ManagerFernando Castro – CEO

Fernando Castro

We represent



Social Progress


Costa Rican Rooting

Know Us

Blue Zones Nicoya was born in 2014, 100% Costa Rican company, that for the past 6 years has been highlighted by the research of local foods from the Nicoya-Guanacaste Blue Zone. The purpose of the company is to promote and raise awareness of the consumption of high-quality products, with nutritional value and great health benefits. In addition, promote and rescue the values, culture and traditions of this region. Blue Zones Nicoya is more than a brand. It is part of a movement that celebrates the constant search for a balanced lifestyle and well-being. We want to contribute to a healthier future for our consumers. Continue to grow in an innovative and avant-garde way, as well as maintain the commitment to our collaborators, the community and the care of the environment.

