Centro Oncológico Costarricense - Essential Costa Rica

Centro Oncológico Costarricense

Our business culture has been oriented towards continuous improvement, therefore we have worked as a team to consolidate values such as sustainability, innovation, excellence, social progress and the most important thing that our services are of Costa Rican origin. For this reason we wanted to export our services with quality assurance through the country brand, Essential Costa Rica.Natalia Avendaño Rivera – Encargada de Mercadeo

Natalia Avendaño Rivera
Encargada de Mercadeo

We represent



Social Progress


Costa Rican Rooting

Know Us

We are the most modern cancer center in Central America As professionals we have a responsibility with Costa Rica and the Central American region, we have proposed to offer the population the scope to the best technologies and techniques available in the market for cancer treatment. By developing this center, we acquired a commitment to remain at the forefront and at the level of the recognized centers in the United States and Europe. As an academic cancer center it is our duty to offer continuous medical education to the group of professionals who work with us, training and making available the research and information that is published around the world and thus leading in this area in Central America. The possibility of creating great changes begins with us, from our homes. The Costa Rican Cancer Center offers interesting information, guides, talks, activities and workshops to the population. We believe that education to the population is the best way to combat this disease.

