Natural Intelligence

Know more about our Natural Intelligence

Costa Rica is a unique country in the world. We are distinguished by our flora and fauna, located in a privileged area with two oceans bathing our coasts. But there is something that is even more special and makes us unique: our intelligence. Here, the environment is our priority. We use our natural resources sustainably, generate clean energy and protect nature as our home.

This is our intelligence: a unique natural intelligence that is part of the essence of Costa Rica.

Natural Intelligence is

In 1948, Costa Rica made a remarkable choice: it abolished its army and exchanged weapons for books, solidifying its commitment to peace.

Since 1869, Costa Rica has championed free and compulsory primary education for all citizens. This foundational step not only empowered a more educated society but also fostered awareness about environmental protection.


Costa Rica’s unwavering environmental consciousness has led to the protection of 25.5% of its mainland and an impressive 30.3% of its maritime territory.

Source: SINAC Annual Report SEMEC Statistics 2022

Costa Rica became the first tropical country to reverse deforestation. As a result, an impressive 58.1% of its national territory is now covered by forests.

Source: Types of Forests and Other Lands of Costa Rica 2021

Over the past five years, 98.6% of Costa Rica’s energy has been generated from renewable sources, a crucial effort to combat the effects of climate change.

Source: Generation and Demand, ICE

Costa Rica boasts 6.5% of the world’s biodiversity, all within a mere 0.03% of Earth’s surface. It is home to over half a million species.

Source: UNDP – Sixth Report of Costa Rica to the Convention on Biological Diversity 2014 – 2018

According to the Happy Planet Index 2024, Costa Rica is the world’s happiest country. By effectively using environmental resources, it ensures longer and more fulfilling lives for citizens.

Nicoya, nestled in the province of Guanacaste, stands as one of the five Blue Zones worldwide, a place where people live longer and enjoy better health.

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